Cleaning Sewer Drains in Fort Collins, CO
When most people think about emergencies, storms and floods often be common scenarios. However, emergencies can begin your own residence. If your house or company in Fort Collins forms sewage issues, avoiding help for it can foster disease and disaster. Even if the water spilling out is safe, stagnant water invites different kinds of diseases. When you encounter this issue, don’t try to fix it yourself. Call the Paul Davis Emergency Services to offer sewer cleaning services.
Why Do I Need Professionals?
Sewer water is gross, but that isn’t the only reason to clean it. Disease-ridden gray and black water can leak into your clean water during big and small overflows. The same disease found in sewage can develop in sanitary, but standing water. Raw sewer water, for example can carry Hepatitis A, Leptospirosis and many more hazardous pathogens.
Black water comes from beyond the toilet trap and typically carries or has met with solid refuse. Black water typically contains or has met with solid refuse and stays undisturbed long enough to host serious pathogens. Black water may also be found in natural water sources. If you experience a black water overflow at your residence or office, contact the Paul Davis Emergency professionals immediately.
Contact Us
Talk to Paul today if you encounter a sewage leak. With all our experience, we know how to handle the hazardous chemicals in black and gray water correctly. Call our branch in Fort Collins with any questions you might have. Don’t wait to remove the water. Reach us today to prevent further damage to your residence or business.